Starting a veterinary practice can be an exciting but daunting process. Deciding on a structure for your veterinary practice can help you protect yourself and your business interests. Many states allow professionals, including veterinarians, to create a professional limited liability company (PLLC). In addition to providing personal liability protection, PLLCs offer several tax benefits, including […]
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Training Your Team on Equal Employment Laws and Practices
Whether starting a veterinary practice or purchasing an existing one, training your team on equal employment laws and practices is crucial. Taking an active approach to training your staff about anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies can help promote a positive and safe culture for everyone in your company. Actively training your staff can also help you […]
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As a follow up to my Article “Why Veterinary Non-Competes are Here to Stay Despite the Proposed Ban By the FTC” published with, the FTC officially adopted the proposed rule in a 3-2 vote today that has already sent shockwaves through the veterinary community. While there are valid considerations to each side of the […]
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Tips for Responding to an Upset Veterinary Practice Client
All businesses must deal with irate customers from time to time. Unfortunately, this is especially true for businesses in the veterinary field. This is understandable. After all, when it comes to people’s beloved pets, emotions can sometimes run high. Therefore, as a veterinary practice owner, it’s important that you have strategies in place for dealing […]
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An Overview of Veterinary Associate Contracts
As the owner of a veterinary practice, you understand the importance of your employees. Equally important, however, is to have well-drafted contracts in place outlining the nature of the relationship you have with your employees. In addition to outlining your respective roles and responsibilities, veterinary associate contracts serve to protect the employee’s interests and the […]
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Protecting Your Veterinary Practice from Legal Action
Like hospitals and other types of medical clinics, veterinary practices operate under constant threat of legal action. Unfortunately, this is simply a reality of providing healthcare service to animals. And although it isn’t possible to eliminate the risk of litigation entirely, there are several steps you can take to drastically reduce your odds of being […]
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Reasons a Veterinary Practice May Fail an OSHA Inspection
Veterinary clinics must comply with the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Without these requirements, many workplaces would operate under unhealthy and unsafe conditions. Compliance with OSHA by veterinary clinics increases the safety of patients and employees alike. To ensure that veterinary practices comply with OSHA requirements, the Department of Labor mandates […]
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Common Veterinary Errors
Everyone makes mistakes. Unfortunately, as a veterinarian, mistakes can lead to lawsuits. Therefore, if you own a veterinary practice, it is imperative that you have processes and procedures in place that keep veterinary errors to a minimum. Otherwise, you leave yourself and your practice at risk. In this article, we discuss some common veterinary errors. […]
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Easy Ways to Improve Your Veterinary Practice
As the owner of a veterinary practice, you must provide a high level of care to your clients. Otherwise, you stand to lose current clients and dissuade potential customers from frequenting your business. Not only do those who entrust you with their pets expect you to provide them with the utmost care, they also expect […]
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Building a Veterinary Clinic from the Ground Up
There are many advantages to owning a veterinary practice. For example, as a veterinary practice owner, you can set your own hours, be your own boss, and determine the direction of your business. Fortunately, there are many options available to those interested in practice ownership. One such option is to start a veterinary practice from […]
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