As a veterinary practice owner, you understand the importance of providing your patients with excellent care. However, from a business perspective, it is equally important to provide your clients with great customer service. In other words, if you don’t provide your customers with excellent service, they’re unlikely to remain your customers for long. In this article, we provide some tips for improving your veterinary practice’s customer service.
Veterinary practice staff members often feel like salespeople when dealing with customers. Unfortunately, customers pick up on this as well. Therefore, instead of trying to sell services to customers, focus on educating them. In other words, you should provide clients with information on the best ways to care for their pets and keep them healthy. Of course, this will likely include veterinary services. However, by framing your recommendations in an educational and informational manner, customers are less likely to feel like you are simply trying to sell them treatments. And this, in turn, will make them more likely to remain patrons of your practice.
Build Relationships
Your customers should always feel comfortable when they bring their pets to your veterinary practice. Therefore, you and your staff should aim to build relationships with your clients. In other words, you should aim to do more than simply treat your customer’s pets and send them on their way. Instead, you should take the time to get to know your customers and their pets. By making a genuine effort to understand your customers and their needs, you will be in a much better position to provide them with effective services. In addition, customers appreciate it when you take the time to get to know them. When you do so, they are more likely to remain your customers instead of going elsewhere for their veterinary needs.
Finally, excellent customer service is impossible without great communication. Therefore, you must ensure that you and your veterinary staff are excellent communicators. In other words, from the time they book their first appointment, your customers should have a clear understanding of the services you provide, their requirements as clients, and any other information that is pertinent to the treatment of their pets. And this excellent communication must persist throughout the course of treatment. A major customer complaint regarding veterinary services is lack of communication. Therefore, by ensuring that you and your employees are excellent communicators, you ensure that your customers will remain your customers for years to come.
Contact Our Experienced Veterinary Lawyers
At Mahan Law, our experienced veterinary professionals help veterinarians address the unique challenges of the veterinary business. Regardless of your practice’s needs, our experienced veterinary lawyers are here to help. Whether you need to address an immediate legal issue or need assistance improving the overall quality of your practice, we have the knowledge and experience necessary to address your needs. Please contact us today to arrange a free and confidential initial consultation with one of our experienced veterinary attorneys.