Whether you are seeking to start, buy, or sell a veterinary practice, one thing is for sure: you need an experienced veterinary attorney on your side. In addition, many of the day-to-day tasks of veterinary practices, such as hiring, firing, and drafting contracts, require legal guidance to ensure compliance with the law. In this article, we discuss the importance of hiring the right veterinary attorney to assist with common situations affecting veterinary practices.
Hiring the Right Attorney for a Start-Up
If you are considering starting a veterinary practice, it is imperative that you hire a lawyer who provides comprehensive legal services to guide you through all phases of the process. By hiring an attorney, you gain access to a wide range of legal services to help you establish a foundation for your new business. For example, an experienced veterinary attorney can help you obtain financing, create a business plan, form a business entity, buy or lease property, and address employment issues.
Hiring the Right Attorney for a Veterinary Practice Sale or Purchase
Successfully buying or selling a veterinary practice is complicated. Therefore, if you are considering doing either, you should contact an experienced lawyer for help. Ideally, when choosing an attorney to assist you with purchasing or selling a veterinary practice, you should look for someone who has industry-specific knowledge and significant business experience. And when you do find the right attorney, he or she will provide you with guidance during every phase of the veterinary practice transaction. Specifically, an experienced lawyer will help you navigate the due diligence process, negotiate terms, and prepare the necessary legal documents.
Hiring the Right Attorney to Address Employment Issues
If you are starting or purchasing a veterinary practice, it’s imperative that you address employment issues in a manner that is legally sound. This is where it pays to hire the right veterinary attorney. When you hire a knowledgeable attorney to assist you with employment issues, he or she will draft employment contracts that protect your business and address important issues like employment duration, benefits, compensation, termination, and restrictive covenants.
Hiring the Right Attorney for Partnership Agreements
Finally, if you plan on going into business with partners, you need an experienced attorney to draft partnership agreements that clearly define each partner’s rights and responsibilities. Key issues to address in a partnership or shareholder agreement include management of the practice, voting rights, ownership, finances, transfer and sale restrictions, limitations on liability, restrictive covenants, partner meetings, indemnification, and dissolution.
Contact Our Experienced Veterinary Attorneys
At Mahan Law, our veterinary attorney is here to help you face the daily challenges associated with operating a veterinary practice. Whether you need help designing policies, defending your practice against lawsuits, or conducting veterinary practice transactions, our experienced lawyers are here to help. Please contact us to schedule a free initial consultation with one of our knowledgeable veterinary attorneys.